2022 AHF Annual Conference - Keynote Speakers  

Whether you missed one of our keynote sessions on site or just want to watch one again, below are recordings of each session. 
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Recordings & Handouts


Kitchen Sessions: Inspired Leadership 
Michael Lomonaco, Chef & Partner, Porter House Bar & Grill NYC
As a chef and restaurateur, Michael Lomonaco knows that while there is no single “recipe
for success,” there are certainly key ingredients that need to be present in each and every
one. Through his years of dedication and innovation in his restaurants and in the hospitality
industry as a whole, Michael’s well-established reputation for thoughtful leadership is based
on inclusiveness and kindness. His firmly held belief that enabling others to develop their own
goals and harness their “inner entrepreneur” propels businesses from merely surviving to
thriving achievement. His commitment to “doing the work” shows through his engagement in
mentorship and his support of his industry and community. 

Learning Objectives: 
  1. How best to incorporate inclusiveness and kindness into their daily leadership style
  2. How to encourage employees to develop personal goals
  3. How to foster an environment of entrepreneurship within their culinary and foodservice teams
Sweat the Small Stuff: 12 Fresh Perspectives for Your Food Program Moving Forward
Doug Johnson, Patient Experience Officer, Edward-Elmhurst Health 
Join Doug as he shares fresh perspectives on staging personal and memorable experiences for
your team, your customers, and your patients. Twelve principles will be shared to inspire you
and challenge you to change the world! You’ll be invited to identify the main principles that you
will bring back to your organization and implement with your team immediately. In this session,
you’ll learn the difference between experience by design and experience by default and you’ll
capture fresh perspectives for your food program moving forward. 

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Identify trends in the food industry that can help the rest of your organization
  2. Learn why patient, customer, and employee satisfaction are not satisfactory
  3. Discover the #1 thing you can do to differentiate your organization’s food program in the healthcare industry
  4. Discuss the ROI of warm blankets and hot chocolate
Leading & Living with Soul! 
Denise Boudreau, MHA, LNHA
Who you are, what you hold dear, what upsets you, and what underlies your decisions as a
leader are all connected to your personal values. The missed opportunity is, most people never
take the time to learn what those precious and powerful intrinsic things are! In this session you
will have the opportunity to do an introspective reflection on your very own personal values, and
recognize how they influence your personal and professional endeavors including overcoming
the current staffing crisis. You’ll learn practical strategies you can implement immediately to
apply these values in your daily routines, allowing you to use them as a driving force and a
personal true north star.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Determine your top 10 personal values
  2. Understand why living a values-driven life is crucial for both person and professional endeavors
  3. Identify ways to live your values on a daily basis