Healthcare Operators Setting the Trend in Innovation & Automation

Healthcare operators are being challenged with growing back lost revenue, providing quick and efficient services to customers 24/7, promoting a safe environment, and showcasing innovation. Operators are also faced with labor shortages and declining retail revenue. During our 1-hour webinar participants will hear from Heidi Allison, Barbara Pullar, and Gail Ermer, Business Solutions Specialists with US Foods. They will discuss trends and innovative solutions including successful strategies for recruiting and retaining employees, robotics in healthcare, micro markets, smart vending, digital ordering, and cashless payment systems. Research on the hottest food trends, tips on menu development, and resources will also be shared to inspire food service operators and help them make the mark in increasing employee and customer satisfaction.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Attendees will learn how to utilize industry trends and innovations to implement solutions to labor shortages and declining revenue.
  2. Attendees will learn about recruitment and retention strategies. 
  3. Attendees will learn about new robotics/technology trends that can be used to improve efficiencies in their operations. 
  4. Attendees will learn about new food trends that can be used to improve menus in the face of supply chain shortages. 
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  • Duration:  1 hour 
  • Accreditation: 1.0 CEU - AND (through 2/4/2023) & ANFP (through 2/17/2023)
  • Type: Monthly Webinar
AHF Members: In order to watch the webinar, please sign in. 
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Course Activities


Heidi Allison, MS, RD, MBA
US Foods
In her role as a Business Solutions Specialist, Heidi supports customers in the West Region, using our series of market-proven, integrated diagnostic tools. She works to assist healthcare foodservice operators to discover ways to lower costs, improve efficiency and increase revenue. Before joining US Foods, Heidi worked in acute care management, healthcare education and healthcare food distribution for 35 years. She has extensive knowledge of healthcare operations and industry standards. Heidi obtained her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from Arizona State University, her Master of Science in Dietetics from University of Arizona, and her MBA from the University of Phoenix. 
Gail Ermer MBA, RDN
US Foods
In her role as a Business Solutions Specialist, Gail supports customers in the West region using our series of market proven, integrated diagnostic tools.  She works to assist healthcare foodservice operators to discover ways to lower costs, improve efficiency and increase revenue. Before joining US Foods, Gail worked in acute, sub-acute, behavioral health and community healthcare for 35 years.  She spent more than 30 years in healthcare clinical nutrition and foodservice management.  Gail’s work history includes multi-facility and contract management experience.  She was a member of the Providence Alignment team, tasked to identify and analyze performance enhancement opportunities and standardized processes for food service departments.  She has extensive knowledge of regulations, industry standards and day to day operations of healthcare foodservice.  Gail obtained her Bachelor of Science Degree from The Ohio State University in Medical Dietetics and her Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University.
Barbara Puller, MBA, MS, RD
US Foods

Please meet Barbara Pullar, one of the Business Solutions Specialists on the Business Solutions Team at US Foods®. In her role as a Business Solutions Specialist, Barbara supports customers in the West Region, using US Foods series of market-proven, integrated diagnostic tools. She works to assist healthcare foodservice operators to discover ways to lower costs, improve efficiency and increase revenue. Before joining US Foods, Barbara worked in acute healthcare for eight years in foodservice management overseeing operations and clinical nutrition. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Zoology from Colorado State University. Transitioning into the nutrition field, she attended the University of Washington Coordinated Program in Dietetics receiving her Masters in Nutritional Science and becoming a dietitian. In 2019, she completed her MBA through Washington State University Carson College of Business. Barbara has extensive knowledge of regulations, industry standards and day-to-day operations of healthcare foodservice.